Over the past number of months, we have noticed that the days are just rolling into each other. Lately, we have found it harder to get out and do what we used to do, going to restaurants, meeting friends for a drink, catch a movie at the cinema or physical interactive sports.
Our business life has also changed from attending seminars, physical networking to meeting clients and customers face to face. Everything has moved online which has its good and bad points from Zoom and Skype Calls to whatever format of virtual meeting you are having.
So how can we stay ahead and rise above the noise of B2B Marketing and be more productive? Let’s face it, we are all using Social Media to stay visible and gather information and everyone else is doing the same.
Before the Covid19 Pandemic B2B Marketing was always based on straight to the point marketing, people were busy and wanted the information immediately. Yes to a certain extent this still runs true. The other way of looking at this was based on fear, the thought of missing out (FOMO)!
Times have changed with so many of us worried about the future and not just in business, in our personal lives as well. So as Marketers we need to change the dynamic of conversations from fear to comfort and reassurance.
Brands need to generate emotional connections and diminish the fear this will yield to a greater response that will help people cope with the current situation we find ourselves in. When we deliver content that is positive this reassures people that we understand and more to the point “we are all in this together”
Some Pro Tips for more engagement with B2B Marketing:
➡️ Create content that is visually appealing and messages that are on point with your visuals.
➡️ Deliver content that is currently relative e.g. Covid19, Social Distancing, Back to School, Working from Home.
➡️ Introduce Polls and Surveys into your Content Marketing Strategy, this is a tried and tested format for research, plus it gives you an insight into the type of content your audience is looking for and what interests them.
➡️ Video content has become a crucial part of B2B Marketing, now saying that you don’t have to create the next Hollywood Blockbuster. Through your smartphone, you can develop high-quality video content, plus most of the Social Media Platforms give you the ability to go live on your digital devices.
➡️ Build engagement with your content, remember everyone has an opinion, so ask for their interaction with your content from comments on your posts. Try to finish your content with an open-ended question or a conversation starter that will evoke interest.
In Conclusion:
Remember Rome was not built in a day so consistency is key. If you are looking for a big one-off blast that is all it will be, playing the long game is more beneficial to you. Building your audience over a period of time gives you authority and builds visibility and awareness which in turn develops a status of influence where people are more likely to remember you and heed the advice you share and in turn reach out and connect and engage your services or products.
Start by building the KNOW, LIKE & TRUST Factor today.
Alan Hennessy is head of digital at Kompass Media and one of Ireland's Leading Social Media Experts. He is also a Social Media Consultant and Trainer and speaks about Social Media & Digital Marketing all over Ireland and in the UK. The Social Media Talks podcast is among the top marketing podcasts in the world. Contact Alan to have him speak to your company event or conference soon.
Follow Alan on Social Media, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube

Contact Alan for more details Email: alan@kompassmedia.ie or Call 086 856 9960.
Visit our website for more details on Tailor-Made Training www.kompassmedia.ie/Tailormadetraining
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