Sales Funnels Explained

Sales Funnels Explained

When we speak about the customer journey or the buyer journey we always think of the end result in THE SALE or CONVERSION and yes, this is the ultimate goal. You could call it the final destination.  The reality of this is for every journey there will be bumps in the road and plus we […]

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LinkedIn Marketing Strategy for Small Business

LinkedIn now drives over half of all social traffic to Business to Business (B2B) blogs and websites. It is also responsible for 64% of all visits from Social Media sites to business sites.  One of the main rules of LinkedIn for Business is “Look before you Leap” and what I mean by that is, do […]

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Planning A Social Media Strategy

Planning a Strategy for Your Social Media Campaign.  Most businesses start off on the wrong foot when creating, developing and implementing a Social Media Campaign. The first thing they do is set up a profile on very Social Media Channel and start posting their product range and think this will get us know around the world. […]

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Empathy. Where is the Data? Where is the data to back up your claim that posting products or services online work? Have you ever been asked this question by a client? Well, the answer is very simple! There is no data and the reason for this can have a number of contributing factors? When clients engage […]

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Snapchat for Business

Well maybe because the customers you are trying to attract spend quite a lot of time on this platform. Look at some of the statistics about Snapchat. 166 Million Monthly Active Users 400 Million Snaps Sent Per Day Snapchat is Worth $10 Billion Dollars 9000 Photos shared every second 10 Billion Daily Videos viewed So […]

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Perceptions of Social Media

Perceptions of Social Media What can we learn from Social Media? Over the past number of years, I have taken on the role as a social media strategist and in that time, I have learned a lot of new skills but the biggest learning curve for me is how people interact and their perceptions when […]

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